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Skin Cancer Prevention Tips from Dr. J. Camilo Barreto

Summertime means more time spent in the sun, which can mean an increased exposure to UV rays. Studies show that this will lead to one in five Americans developing skin cancer by the time they’re 70. If skin cancer isn’t addressed early the disease can spread to the lymphatic system.

Be proactive in fighting skin cancer by following summer skin care tips from J. Camilo Barreto, M.D., F.A.C.S., a complex surgical oncologist at CARTI.

  1. Wear sunscreen. SPF 30 or higher is recommended, and be sure to reapply every few hours.
  2. Avoid sunbathing. Even limited or indirect sunlight can help elevate vitamin D levels.
  3. Wear hats. They can protect the head and neck from sun exposure.
  4. Mirror check your skin. Look once a month for new moles or spots.
  5. Schedule a checkup. If anything looks different or suspicious, an expert can help identify any problems.

Practicing good skin care is a year-round endeavor. To learn more about summer skin care and Dr. Barreto’s skin cancer advice, check out his article in Healthcare Journal of Arkansas.